Just plain silly!!
I dont sell anything that any member of our guild might find the least bit useful. Thus, anytime I log on I do a quick guild screen search and annouce what pretty, shiney things I had found recently. Inevitably, there are takers and I am grateful to put all those parts and runes to good use. But it was not until recently that I was made aware of exactly how much some of this stuff is worth (I typically keep the trade channel unchecked while in town) I had found a Warriors rune of Superior Absorbtion or some such thing. I only play a monk healer and thus had no use for this item. Upon donating it to one of our guilds warriors he thanked me profusely and, just for kicks went and got an estimate from one of the new rune traders .........................64 platinum pieces!!!. And to think, our guild spent 3 weeks saving all of our gold in order to purchase a sigil at 74 platinum.